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The Jamaican Bar Association v. The Attorney General of Jamaica and the Director of Public Prosecutions and Ernest Smith and Company (a firm), Ernest A. Smith, Nesta-Claire Smith, Pearline Bailey and Marsha Smith v The Attorney General of Jamaica, the Director of Public Prosecutions and Deputy Superintendent of Police Karl Plummer and Hugh Thompson and Gifford Thompson and Bright v The Attorney General of Jamaica and the Director of Public Prosecutions [Consolidated Claims]

Shirley St. Clair, Alister Cooke, Vincent Morrison, LLoyd Reid, Carlton Shurton and Frederick Leighton v Charles Johnston, Roger Hinds, Grantley Stephenson, Hylton Clarke, Paula Pinnock, Warren Sweeney, James Wharton and Stephen Bell and Grace Kennedy and Company (Shipping) Limited, Hamburg Sud/Columbus Limited, International Shipping Limited, Port Services Limited and H. McCaulay Orrett Limited v The Shipping Association of Jamaica, Grantley Stephenson, Harry Maragh and the Shipping Association of Jamaica Property Ltd [Consolidated Claims]


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